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Messages - Kent

Allmänt / DA problem
2024-07-24, 09:44:56

Skickade in detta till "DA engine owners club". Kanske någon på detta forum också kan komma med något gott råd

I recently replaced a DLE 120 with a refurbished DA150 in my CARF 2.6m Edge 540.
I flew it once last weekend after some problems with a broken woodruff key. The key was replaced.
The engine ran great so I happily went home.
Next day I tested a spare ignition. I didn't start. Connected the original ignition again. It didn't even popped.
Checked the spark, OK. Batteries OK. Carburettor OK. Fuel lines OK.
Frustrated I stored the plane in a dark place in the garage for a day or so.
Now I try to figure out what will be the next move.
Maybe you can help me. 🥹🥹
Byggen / Re: Renovering Yak 55 och Su 29
2023-11-19, 09:58:38
Bra jobb Tobias
Manövrar / Re: Snaprolls
2023-09-24, 08:00:11
Mitt inlägg i IMAC EUROPÉ FORUM 31 aug 2023

I heard that that you don't known how to perform snaprolls in a lot the Europeans countries. Please read through the IMAC outlines for snaprolls, especially the judges.

8.9.3: Family 9.9: Snap Rolls ("Flick Rolls")


Adi Kochav:

I think we're going on the right track considering the fact that we know there is an issue how to perform the snap roll.
Not just in the EU region but also others.
But with all that we need to understand the importance that what ever we do IMAC is about mimicking full aerobatic planes although we fly RC planes.
By performing a snap, spin and more.
IMHO, I think that the Eu region is getting there, step by step.
We have the will, we have the knowledge, we have the experience to do it right.

Karol Szendi:

Kent Norman some of the pilots needs to practice.. Reading only will not help. It is natural that pilots in lower classes, like Sportsman, have issues with snaps as their skills are still developing.
Judging top pilots in Unlimited is very difficult as lot of them IMO are on the edge of blip snaps.

Kent Norman:

Karol Szendi agree, start practicing flying the snaps according to what you red in Family 9.9 Snap rolls
Manövrar / Snaprolls
2023-08-31, 10:22:30
La in detta på IMAC Europeans Forum:

I heard that that you don't known how to perform snaprolls in a lot the Europeans countries. Please read through the IMAC outlines for snaprolls, especially the judges.

8.9.3: Family 9.9: Snap Rolls ("Flick Rolls")
Byggen / SV: SU-26 40% electric
2022-09-18, 19:18:16
Vad har hänt?
Kunde inte få fram anmälda till tävlingarna
Synd att man väljer bort den bästa siten för IMAC flygande och uppehälle
Vänligen stryk min anmälan till Brännebrona. Kan tyvärr inte komma
Ringde nyss till Tobias och meddelade att jag har en förkylning och stannar hemma.
Lycka till ni andra med tävlingen

Vi syns i Helsingborg hoppas jag
Har redan betalt :)
Fixade sig idag. Har nu tävlingslicens för IMAC. PUUUH!!😅
Har fått detta:

Godkända ansökningar
Namn           Förening                                           Licens
Kent Norman   Karlskrona-Ronneby Modellflygklubb   SMFF Accepterat regler för utomhusflygning

Lite diffust tycker jag. Tja, IMAC flyger vi ju med fördel utomhus😀

Har försökt skaffa en tävlingslicens för i år men misslyckats. Hur gör man?
Köp och Sälj / SV: Cannister
2021-03-27, 22:14:38
Inte aktuellt längre
Köp och Sälj / Cannister
2021-03-22, 13:16:50
Skulle behöva en cannister, fläns, krökar mm till en DLA 56. Motorn sitter i en Byron Original modell: Christen Husky. Ring 0709165767 om ni har detta till försäljning. /Kent