NY 35% Extra 300!

Started by paroos, 2011-02-04, 08:30:53

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Många gillar ju Extror (trots rundnos hysterin).
Nu kommer en ny 35% (2,7m) Extra 300 från Hangar9.
Designad av Mike McKonville som en uppföljare till deras Extra 260.
Hypermodernt bygge och enligt Mike så flyger den lika bra som 260an om inte bättre, vilket inte säger lite.
Mike skriver så här om den på FG:
\"It does fly extremely well. I pulled a lot from my 35% 260 design and went from there. It shares a lot of the same aero design. Same size. There are a some aero tweaks to IMHO improve on the 260, and a ton of structural differences. Wings are built much like the new 3.1m Suk, use a very strong double spar box structure with CF spar reinforcement. Uses a CF wing tube. Fuse structure is also new with longerons along the top and bottom fuse sides to stop any glue joints from popping. Built in pipe tunnel, fiberglass landing gear cuffs, flush mounted cowl with all screws hidden. Also has a matching painted pilot figure. Loooks like it isnt in the one in Germany but it is in the pics of mine on our web-site.
I have a DA 120 in both of my prototypes and performance is sick. My final prototype has a DA-120 with MTW RE2 pipes. Its insnae power....but a lot of fun.
I think you guys will like it. If you liked the 35% 260, you\'ll love the new 300.\"

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Premiärvisas just nu i Nürnberg på mässan, enligt HH siten skall den vara i lager sent i April. Vilket brukar betyda Maj/Juni.



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[Hitec-ExtremeFlight-Pilot RC-Biela-Powerbox-Secraft-DA]