Lock öppning hos olsson

Started by Aeroparts, 2008-10-19, 16:31:33

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Ser att längden på kröken till re3 pipan verkar betydligt längre än mina 11inc(28cm)som man skall ha enligt desert aircraft till da-85.Är mvvs 80 anorlunda portad att det blir längre krök.Eller har ni provat er fram.Om ni har kört motorn vad fick ni för varv och med vilken propp.Så här skriver DA.

Note: The header length for the MTW canisters and tuned pipes should always be 11\". Depending on prop size, altitude and climate conditions this may change a little. If you need more information, please call Desert Aircraft or visit MTW\'s website at www.mtw-daempfer.de




Hej. Det är inte riktigt så lång, den är inte lödad än.
Men headern blir 35cm. Jag litar alltid på vad Pe reivers i holland säger.
OK, here are the final results:
Lube MVVS oil (mobil1, red, 1:25), Fuel 98 RON (premium 93 PON), Prop 24x10x3 Mejzlik. Exhaust Header 14", outer dia 28mm.
TD 75KK, shortened, 6390, 7.7hp
TD75K, 6460, 8.0 hp
3204 mvvs,6350, 7.6 hp
TD110 6450, 7.9 hp
TD75,6420, 7.8 hp
MTW T3 tuned pipe 7000 rising to 7100, 11.0 hp

MVVS reported 10 hp on their new design canister muffler, still in testing phase. JANCH has one of the prototypes on his plane. Maybe he can comment on final rpm.

I ran the engine with 350mm header length ( 14\" ), Response was crisp and typical for a header that is too long, which is what is best for aerobatics. With that setup, I had 11 hp at 7100 rpm. These horses mainly are available for accelerating the prop.
The way you bend that 350mm into shape of course defines your total length.\"

Även vissa med DA 85 har kört med denna setupen vet jag.



Hur går det med SU29:an?
Några flygintryck?


Ulf S
Mvh Ulf